MathematicaNancy BlachmanI. Inleiding tot Mathematica
II. Programmeren
III. Appendices
Mathematical Theory of Program Correctness
Mathematical Theory of Program CorrectnessJaco de Bakker1. Introduction
2. Basic concepts
3. While statements
4. Subscripted variables
5. Recursive procedures
6. Blocks
7. Nondeterministic statements
8. Weakest preconditions, strongest postconditions and termination
9. Parameter mechanisms
10. Goto statements
Formal Development of Programs and Proofs
Formal Development of Programs and ProofsEdsger W. Dijkstra (Ed.)1. Constructive type theory: a perspective from computing science -
R. C. Backhouse
2. The maximum-segment-sum problem - D. Gries
3. Inorder traversal of a binary tree and its inversion - D. Gries, J. L. van de Snepscheut
4. A hands-in-the pocket presentation of a k-majority vote algorithm -
D. Gries
5. A small problem on rectangles - A. J. van Gasteren
6. On the formal derivation of a proof of the invariance theorem -
A. J. van...
Go To - Software superheroes from Fortran to the internet age
Go To - Software superheroes from Fortran to the internet ageSteve Lohr1. Introduction: The Rise of Software and the Programming Art
2. FORTRAN: The Early "Turning Point"
3. The Hard Lesson of the Sixties: From Exuberance to the Realities of COBOL and the IBM 360 Project
4. Breaking Big Iron's Grip: Unix and C
5. Programming for the Millions: The BASIC Story from Dartmouth to Visual Basic
6. The European Influence: From Algol to Pascal to C++
7. A Computer of My Own: The Beginning of the PC Indu...
Dynamics of Software Development
Dynamics of Software DevelopmentJim McCarthyShipping great software can be done, insists McCarthy, and charts, in five sections, the progress from initial design to successful product. McCarthy is a software industry veteran and the director of the Microsoft Visual C++ development group.
Recensie: "This book changed my life. It is based on a talk that Jim McCarthy gave while at Microsoft teaching people how the Visual C++ team went from the goats of the company (which was founded on languages, ...
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial IntelligencePatrick Henry Winston1. The intelligent computer
2. Description matching and goal reduction
3. Exploiting natural constraints
4. Exploring alternatives
5. Control metaphors
6. Problem-solving paradigms
7. Logic and theorem proving
8. Representing commonsense knowledge
9. Language understanding
10. Image understanding
11. Learning class descriptions from samples
12. Learning rules from experience
Mathematische Unterhaltungen und Spiele - mit dem programmierbaren Taschenrechner
Mathematische Unterhaltungen und Spiele - mit dem programmierbaren TaschenrechnerHans Heinrich Gloistehn1. Würfelspiele
2. Diophantische Probleme
3. Ratespiele
4. Einige Probleme aus der numerischen Mathematik
5. Einige Probleme mit Zufallszahlen
6. Zahlen- und Anordnungsspiele
7. Der Taschenrechner als 'Simulant'