A Manual of Intensional Logic
A Manual of Intensional LogicJohan van BenthemIntroduction
I. Classical Theories
1 Tense and Time
2 Modality
3 Conditionals
4 Combinations
II. Recent Developments 1: Computational Applications
5 Mathematics and Computer Sience
III. Recent Developments 2: Partialilty
6 Intervals and Events
7 Possibility and Information
8 The Logic of Partiality
IV. Recent Developments 3: Logical Semantics
9 Denotational Constraints on Tense and Modality
10 Conditionals as Generalized Quantifiers
11 Intensions ...
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Lectures on Linear Logic
Lectures on Linear LogicA.S. Troelstra1 Introduction
2 Sequent calculus for linear logic
3 Some elementary syntactic results
4 The calculus of two implications
5 Embeddings and approximations
6 Natural deduction systems for linear logic
7 Hillbert-type systemens
8 Algebraic semantics
9 Combinational linear logic
10 Girard domains
11 Coherence in symmetric monoidal
12 The storage operator as a cofree comonoid
13 Evaluation in typed calculii
14 Computation by lazy evaluation in CCC's
15 Computatio...
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Metamathematics of First-Order Arithmetic
Metamathematics of First-Order ArithmeticPetr Hájek, Pavel Pudlák
I - Arithmetic as Number Theory, Set Theory and Logic
II - Fragments and Combinatorics
III - Self-Reference
IV - Models of Fragments of Arithmetic
V - Bounded Arithmetic
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Modal Logic - An Introduction
Modal Logic - An IntroductionBrian F. ChellasPART I
1 - Introduction
2 - Logical preliminaries
3 - Standard models for modal logics
4 - Normal systems of modal logic
5 - Determination and decidability for normal systems
6 - Deontic Logic
7 - Minimal models for modal logics
8 - Classical systems of modal logic
9 - Determination and decidability for classical systems
10 - Conditional logic
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Mathematics of Modality
Mathematics of ModalityRobert GoldblattIntroduction
1: Metamathematics of Modal Logic
2: Semantic Analysis of Orthologic
3: Orthomodularity is not Elementary
4: Arithmetical Necessity, Provability and Intuitionistic Logic
5: Diodorean Modality in Minkowski Spacetime
6: Grothendieck Topology as Geometric Modality
7: The Semantics of Hoare’s Iteration Rule
8: An Abstract Setting for Henkin Proofs
9: A Framework for Infinitary Modal Logic
10: The McKinsey Axiom Is Not Canonical
11: Elementary Log...
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An Introduction to Modal Logic
An Introduction to Modal LogicG.E. Hughes, M.J. CresswellI. Modal Propositional Logic
II. Modal Predicate Logic
III. A Survey of Modal Logic
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The Axiom of Choice
The Axiom of ChoiceThomas J. JechPreface
1. Introduction
2. Use of the axiom of choice
3. Consistency of the axiom of choice
4. Permutation models
5. Independence of the axiom of choice
6. Embedding theorems
7. Models with finite supports
8. Some weaker versions of the axiom of choice
9. Nontransferable statements
10. Mathematics without choice
11. Cardinal numbers in set theory without choice
12. Some properties contradicting the axiom of choice
Appendix 1. Equivalents of the axiom of choice
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Elements of Intuitionism
Elements of IntuitionismMichael Dummett1. Preliminaries
2. Elementary Intuitionistic Mathematics
3. Choice Sequences and Spreads
4. The Formalization of Intuitionistic Logic
5. The Semantics of Intuitionistic Logic
6. Some Further Topics
7. Concluding Philosophical Remarks
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Intuitionism - An Introduction
Intuitionism - An IntroductionA. HeytingI. Disputation
II. Arithmetic
III. Spreads and species
IV. Algebra
V. Plane pointspecies
VI. Measure and integration
VII. Logic
VIII. Controversial subjects
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The Principles of Mathematics Revised
The Principles of Mathematics RevisedJaakko Hintikka1 - The functions of logic and the problem of truth definition
2 - The game of logic
3 - Frege's fallacy foiled: Independence-friendly logic
4 - The joys of independence: Some uses of IF logic
5 - The complexities of completeness
6 - Who's afraid of Alfred Tarski? Truth definitions for IF first-order languages
7 - The liar belied: Negation in IF logic
8 - Axiomatic set theory: Fraenkelstein's monster?
9 - IF logic as a framework for mathematica...
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