A Manual of Intensional Logic
A Manual of Intensional LogicJohan van BenthemIntroduction
I. Classical Theories
1 Tense and Time
2 Modality
3 Conditionals
4 Combinations
II. Recent Developments 1: Computational Applications
5 Mathematics and Computer Sience
III. Recent Developments 2: Partialilty
6 Intervals and Events
7 Possibility and Information
8 The Logic of Partiality
IV. Recent Developments 3: Logical Semantics
9 Denotational Constraints on Tense and Modality
10 Conditionals as Generalized Quantifiers
11 Intensions ...
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Lectures on Linear Logic
Lectures on Linear LogicA.S. Troelstra1 Introduction
2 Sequent calculus for linear logic
3 Some elementary syntactic results
4 The calculus of two implications
5 Embeddings and approximations
6 Natural deduction systems for linear logic
7 Hillbert-type systemens
8 Algebraic semantics
9 Combinational linear logic
10 Girard domains
11 Coherence in symmetric monoidal
12 The storage operator as a cofree comonoid
13 Evaluation in typed calculii
14 Computation by lazy evaluation in CCC's
15 Computatio...
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Metamathematics of First-Order Arithmetic
Metamathematics of First-Order ArithmeticPetr Hájek, Pavel Pudlák
I - Arithmetic as Number Theory, Set Theory and Logic
II - Fragments and Combinatorics
III - Self-Reference
IV - Models of Fragments of Arithmetic
V - Bounded Arithmetic
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Modal Logic - An Introduction
Modal Logic - An IntroductionBrian F. ChellasPART I
1 - Introduction
2 - Logical preliminaries
3 - Standard models for modal logics
4 - Normal systems of modal logic
5 - Determination and decidability for normal systems
6 - Deontic Logic
7 - Minimal models for modal logics
8 - Classical systems of modal logic
9 - Determination and decidability for classical systems
10 - Conditional logic
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Mathematics of Modality
Mathematics of ModalityRobert GoldblattIntroduction
1: Metamathematics of Modal Logic
2: Semantic Analysis of Orthologic
3: Orthomodularity is not Elementary
4: Arithmetical Necessity, Provability and Intuitionistic Logic
5: Diodorean Modality in Minkowski Spacetime
6: Grothendieck Topology as Geometric Modality
7: The Semantics of Hoare’s Iteration Rule
8: An Abstract Setting for Henkin Proofs
9: A Framework for Infinitary Modal Logic
10: The McKinsey Axiom Is Not Canonical
11: Elementary Log...
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An Introduction to Modal Logic
An Introduction to Modal LogicG.E. Hughes, M.J. CresswellI. Modal Propositional Logic
II. Modal Predicate Logic
III. A Survey of Modal Logic
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The Axiom of Choice
The Axiom of ChoiceThomas J. JechPreface
1. Introduction
2. Use of the axiom of choice
3. Consistency of the axiom of choice
4. Permutation models
5. Independence of the axiom of choice
6. Embedding theorems
7. Models with finite supports
8. Some weaker versions of the axiom of choice
9. Nontransferable statements
10. Mathematics without choice
11. Cardinal numbers in set theory without choice
12. Some properties contradicting the axiom of choice
Appendix 1. Equivalents of the axiom of choice
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Elements of Intuitionism
Elements of IntuitionismMichael Dummett1. Preliminaries
2. Elementary Intuitionistic Mathematics
3. Choice Sequences and Spreads
4. The Formalization of Intuitionistic Logic
5. The Semantics of Intuitionistic Logic
6. Some Further Topics
7. Concluding Philosophical Remarks
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Intuitionism - An Introduction
Intuitionism - An IntroductionA. HeytingI. Disputation
II. Arithmetic
III. Spreads and species
IV. Algebra
V. Plane pointspecies
VI. Measure and integration
VII. Logic
VIII. Controversial subjects
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The Principles of Mathematics Revised
The Principles of Mathematics RevisedJaakko Hintikka1 - The functions of logic and the problem of truth definition
2 - The game of logic
3 - Frege's fallacy foiled: Independence-friendly logic
4 - The joys of independence: Some uses of IF logic
5 - The complexities of completeness
6 - Who's afraid of Alfred Tarski? Truth definitions for IF first-order languages
7 - The liar belied: Negation in IF logic
8 - Axiomatic set theory: Fraenkelstein's monster?
9 - IF logic as a framework for mathematica...
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On Formally Undecidable Propositions Of Principia Mathematica And Related Systems
On Formally Undecidable Propositions Of Principia Mathematica And Related SystemsKurt GödelIn 1931, a young Austrian mathematician published an epoch-making paper containing one of the most revolutionary ideas in logic since Aristotle. Kurt Gödel maintained, and offered detailed proof, that in any arithmetic system, even in elementary parts of arithmetic, there are propositions which cannot be proved or disproved within the system. It is thus uncertain that the basic axioms of arithmetic will ...
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Proof Theory
Proof TheoryGaisa TakeutiPart I. First Order Systems
1. First Order Predicate Calculus
2. Peano Arithmetic
Part II. Second Order and Finite Order Systems
3. Second Order Systems and Simple Type Theory
4. Infinitary Logic
Part III. Consistency Problems
5. Consistency Proofs
6. Some Applications of Consistency Proofs
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Structural Proof Theory
Structural Proof TheorySara Negri, Jan von PlatoPREFACE
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Normalization, Cut-Elimination and the Theory of Proofs
Normalization, Cut-Elimination and the Theory of ProofsA.M. UngarIntroduction
1 Background
2 Comparing NJ with LJ
3 Natural Deduction Revisited
4 The Problem of Substitution
5 A Multiple-Conclusion Calculus
6 Reduction Procedures
7 Correspondence Results
8 Interpretations of Derivations
A. A Strong Cut-Elimination Theorem for LJ
B. A Formulation of the Classical Sequent Calculus
C. Proofs and Categories
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Model Theory
Model TheoryC.C. Chang, H. Jerome Keisler1. Introduction
2. Models constructed from constants
3. Further model-theoretic constructions
4. Ultraproducts
5. Saturated and special models
6. More about ultraproducts and generalizations
7. Selected topics
A. Set theory
B. Open problems in classical model theory
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Set Theory - An Introduction to Large Cardinals
Set Theory - An Introduction to Large CardinalsFrank R. Drake1 Introduction: Sets and Languages
2 The Development of ZFC
3 The Léavy Hierarchy and the Reflection Principle
4 Inaccessible and Mahlo Cardinals
5 The Constructtble Universe
6 Measurable Cardinals
7 Trees and Partition Properties
8 Partition Cardinals and Model Theory: Silver's Results
9 Indescribable Cardinals
10 Infinitary Languages and Large Cardinals
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Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis
Set Theory and the Continuum HypothesisPaul J. CohenI. General Background in Logic
II. Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory
III. The Consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis and the Axiom of Choice
IV. The Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis and the Axiom of Choice
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Set Theory
Set TheoryThomas JechPart I. Sets
1. Axiomatic Set Theory
2. Transitive Models of Set Theory
Part II. More Sets
3. Forcing and Generic Models
4. Some Applications of Forcing
Part III. Large Sets
5. Measurable Cardinals
6. Other Large Cardinals
Part IV. Sets of Reals
7. Descriptive Set Theory
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Introduction to Combinatorics and λ-Calculus
Introduction to Combinatorics and λ-CalculusJ. Roger Hindley, Jonathan P. Seldin1 The λ-calculus
2 Combinatory logic
3 The power of λ and combinators
4 Representing the computable functions
5 The undecidability theorem
6 The formal theories λβ and CLw
7 Extensionality in λ-calculus
8 Extensionality in combinatory logic
9 Correspondence between λ and CL
10 Simple typing, Church-style
11 Simple typing, Curry-style in CL
12 Simple typing, Curry-style in λ
13 Generalizations of typing
14 Mo...
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Tense Logic
Tense LogicRobert P. McArthur1. An Overview of Tense Logic
2. Linear Tense Logics
3. Branching Tense Logic and Temporal Modality
4. Quantificational Tense Logics
5. Soundness and Completeness Theorems for Tense Logic
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Introduction to higher order categorical logic
Introduction to higher order categorical logicJ. Lambek, P.J. ScottPart O. Introduction to Category Theory
Part I. Cartesian Closed Categories and λ-Calculus
Part II. Type Theory and Toposes
Part III. Representing Numerical Functions in Various Categories
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Logica, etiketten en vlees
Logica, etiketten en vleesStefan ThemersonVertaling door Nicolaas Matsier
Literaire, logische en vaak satirische bespiegelingen over onderwerpen uit de moderne angelsaksische filosofie.
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De grondslagen der arithmetica
De grondslagen der arithmeticaGottlob FregeTer inleiding
Beknopte biografie
De grondslagen der arithmetica
- Inhoudstafel
- Inleiding
- Tekst
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Filosofische grondslagen van de wiskunde
Filosofische grondslagen van de wiskundeD. van Dalen1. Verzamelingsleer, een platonisch paradigma/ Infinitesimaalrekening
2. Intuïtionisme / Negatieloze wiskunde
3. Logica
4. Formalisme
5. Logicisme
6. Zijn er constanten van het wiskundig denken?
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Logica voor alfa's en informatici
Logica voor alfa's en informaticiJan van Eijk, Elias Thijsse1. Algemene inleiding
2. Kernbegrippen uit de naïeve verzamelingenleer
3. Eindige, oneindige en beslisbare verzamelingen
4. Logica, de leer van het correct redeneren
5. Propositielogica
6. Predikatenlogica
7. Uitbreidingen van de predikatenlogica
8. Informatica-toepassingen van de logica
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Logica en model
Logica en modelDoede Nauta1. Historisch overzicht. Een introductie tot het model in de formele wetenschappen
2. Mathematische standaardbegrippen. Verzameling, afbeelding, groep, isomorfie
3. Symbolische logica. Een inleiding tot de logica aan de hand van het modelbegrip
4. Elementen der modeltheorie
5. Formele wetenschap en model
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Frege and Gödel - Two Fundamental Texts in Mathematical Logic
Frege and Gödel - Two Fundamental Texts in Mathematical LogicJean van Heijenoort (ed.)Begriffsschrift, a formula language, modeled upon that of arithmetic, for pure thought (1879), by G. Frege
Some metamathematical results on completeness and consistency; On formally undecidable propositions of Principia mathematica and related systems I; and On completeness and consistency (1930b, 1931, and 1931a), by K. Gödel
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Perspectives on the History of Mathematical Logic
Perspectives on the History of Mathematical LogicThomas Drucker (ed.)The Problem of Elimination in the Algebra of Logic - Judy Green
Peirce and the Law of Distribution - Nathan Houser
The First Russell Paradox - Irving H. Anellis
Principia Mathematica and the Development of Automated Theorem Proving - Daniel J. O’Leary
Oswald Veblen and the Origins of Mathematical Logic at Princeton - William Aspray
The Löwenheim-Skolem Theorem, Theories of Quantification, and Proof Theory - Irving H. Anellis...
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A Mathematical Introduction to Logic
A Mathematical Introduction to LogicHerbert B. Enderton0. Useful Facts about Sets
1. Sentential Logic
2. First-Order Logic
3. Undecidability
4. Second-Order Logic
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Popular Lectures on Mathematical Logic
Popular Lectures on Mathematical LogicHao WangA noted logician and philosopher addresses various forms of mathematical logic, discussing both theoretical underpinnings and practical applications. Author Hao Wang surveys the central concepts and theories of the discipline in a historical and developmental context, and then focuses on the four principal domains of contemporary mathematical logic: set theory, model theory, recursion theory and constructivism, and proof theory.
Topics include the pl...
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Handbook of Mathematical Logic
Handbook of Mathematical LogicJon Barwise (ed.)Part A. Model Theory (Contributors: J. Barwise, P.C. Eklof, H.J. Keisler, A. Kock, A. Macintyre, M. Makkai, M. Morley, G.E. Reyes, K.D. Stroyan)
Part B. Set Theory (Contributors: J.P. Burgess, K.J. Devlin, T.J. Jech, I. Juhász, K. Kunen, M.E. Rudin, J.R. Schoenfield)
Part C. Recursion Theory (Contributors: P. Aczel, M. Davis, H.B. Enderton, A. Kechris, D.A. Martin, Y.N. Moschovakis, M.O. Rabin, R.A. Shore, S.G. Simpson)
Part D. Proof Theory an...
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Proofs and Refutations - The Logic of Mathematical Discovery
Proofs and Refutations - The Logic of Mathematical DiscoveryImre LakatosChapter 1
1. A problem and a conjecture
2. A proof
3. Criticism of the proof by counterexamples which are local but not global
4. Criticism of the conjecture by global counterexamples
5. Criticism of the proof-analysis by counterexamples which are global but not local. The problem of rigour
6. Return to criticism of the proof by counterexamples which are local but nog global. The problem of content
7. The problem of content ...
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L.E.J. Brouwer -Een biografie
L.E.J. Brouwer -Een biografieDirk van Dalen1. Jeugd en schooljaren
2. Studie en studententijd
3. Mystiek
4. De dissertatie
5. Naar de wiskundige top
6. De universitaire carrière
7. Ontwikkeling in isolement
8. Wetenschap en politiek
9. Het onderzoekscentrum Blaricum
10. Dimensietheorie en grondslagenstrijd
11. Götterdämmerung
12. Verloren jaren
13. Universiteit in oorlogstijd
14. Zuivering en reorganisatie
15. Strijd en erkenning
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LeibnizDr. C.A. van PeursenContour van Leibniz' leer en leven
De binnenkant der werkelijkheid: de monaden
De buitenkant der werkelijkheid: organisatie, evolutie, perceptie, harmonie
De logica der beste wereld: waarheid, vrijheid, God
Wegen de toekomst in: de actualiteit van Leibniz' filosofie
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Mersenne and the Learning of the Schools
Mersenne and the Learning of the SchoolsPeter Dear1. Introduction
2. Humanism and the Implications of Rhetoric
3. Dialectic, Probabilism, and “Mitigated Scepticism”
4. Aristotelian Science and the Metaphysics of Mathematics
5. Saint Augustine and Universal Harmony
6. Mechanics, Music, and Harmony
7. Philosophical Systems, Essentialism, and the Language of Philosophy
8. Mersenne’s Later Career: A Philosophical Agenda and Its Limitations
9. Summary and Conclusions
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Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Introduction to Mathematical LogicJ. MalitzI. An Introduction to Set Theory
II. An Introduction to Computability Theory
III. An Introduction to Model Theory
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Robot op zee
Robot op zeePieter AdriaansPieter Adriaans - filosoof, wiskundige, ondernemer, musicus, beeldend kunstenaar en avonturier - verkocht zijn met succes opgebouwde onderneming Syllogic om een jongensdroom te realiseren: meedoen met een transatlantische solozeilrace. Altijd op zoek naar mogelijkheden om zijn talenten te combineren wordt het project Robosail geboren. Zijn passie voor zeilen verbindt hij met zijn wetenschappelijk specialisme: het ontwerpen van intelligente autonome computersystemen. Na...
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De stelling van Gödel
De stelling van GödelE. Nagel, J.R. NewmanDe stelling van Gödel uitgelegd en begrijpelijk gemaakt
- Inleiding
- Het consistentieprobleem
- Absolute consistentiebewijzen
- De systematische codificatie van de formele logica
- Een voorbeeld van een geslaagd absoluut consistentiebewijs
- Het begrip afbeelden en het gebruik ervan in de wiskunde
- Gödels bewijzen; Gödel-getallen; De aritmetisering van de meta-mathematica; De kern van Gödels redenering
- Slotbeschouwing
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The Elements of Mathematical Logic
The Elements of Mathematical LogicPaul RosenbloomI. The Logic of Classes
II. The Logic of Propositions
III. The Logic of Proposional Functions
IV. The General Syntax of Language
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Een nacht vol opwinding - Een keuze uit de filosofische essays
Een nacht vol opwinding - Een keuze uit de filosofische essaysHenri Poincaré1. Selectie van feiten
2. De toekomst van de wiskunde
3. Uitvinding in de wiskunde
4. Wiskundige definities en onderwijs
5. Toeval
6. Over de aard van wiskundig redeneren
7. Wiskundig concept en ervaring
8. Intuïtie en logica bij wiskunde
9. De evolutie van de wetten
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